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The Big Peach Lawmakers Push Bills to Limit Sway Over Energy Rules

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No Big Peach city has yet passed an ordinance that says what energy sources can be used to power local homes and businesses. In fact, some state lawmakers want to keep it that way.

Big Peach Opposing State Proposal

Moreover, Savannah Alderman Nick Palumbo and other city officials say they oppose a state proposal that would aim the kind of ordinances seen in other states. In fact, they argue that would tie the hands of local officials. They say are the best positioning to act in their community’s interests.

Therefore, a coastal city is one of five Georgia cities that have honored to reduce their carbon footprint in the coming years. Savannah is in the middle of developing a “clean-energy action plan’ now. It unanimously pledged last spring to achieve 100% clean energy by 2035.

Big Peach: Cities are Hesitant to Achieve Goal

“Forcing someone to purchase a product maybe that cities don’t want anymore in the future makes it impossible for any city to achieve that goal,” Palumbo said about potential state intervention.

“Today, the bill really removes that choice and going into the future with the same bill,” he said. An energy provider can determine what is best for you instead of the other way around,” he said.

Community-Drive Commitment

The Savannah pledge, Palumbo describes, is a community-driven commitment in response to the threats of sea-level rise and climate change. In fact, has compared the coastal city’s action plan to other local rules and regulations, such as zoning.

“The entire state of Georgia is on the hook to help us,” Palumbo told lawmakers on Monday. “Savanah is also on the front lines.”

Big Peach: A Version of the Bill Draws Opposition

In both chambers, a version of the bill got a filing. Sponsored by Representative Bruce Williamson, a Monroe Republican, the House version, received a public hearing Monday. It drew opposition from several city officials across the state, environmentalists, and an Athens builder. This builder said he can no longer connect new homes to gas. The Georgia Farm Bureau and representatives for restaurants and realtors is where the measure got support including the gas industry lobbyists.

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